For years people have been remembering our hospital in their Wills. Their gifts have gone on to help future generations and enhance the experience of using services at RWT.
We are honoured to receive legacy gifts, both large and small, from people just like you, who have chosen to help us make a difference to our community. Over the years, the legacies left by compassionate donors have been a vital source of funding for Your Trust Charity. A staggering £454,868 was donated in legacies in the year leading up to 31 March 2023 alone!
Leaving a legacy to our Charity allows you to play a supporting role in helping patients, staff and families long into the future. The money that the Charity receives from the wills of donors is used according to their wishes, to pay for research, fund projects and buy equipment.
Leaving a gift in your will is a wonderful act of selflessness, and ‘The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust Charity is extremely grateful to all those donors who consider supporting the Charity in this manner.
Including us in your Will:
If you choose to leave a gift in your Will to us, you’ll need to include our name, address, and registered Charity number:
- The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust Charity
New Cross Hospital
Location A27, OPD
Wolverhampton, WV10 0QP - Registered Charity no: 1059467