If easier, you can download our donation receipt form and post it to:
Charity Team
The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust
Wolverhampton Road
WV10 0QP
Online via JustGiving
To make an online donation via the JustGiving website please click on the JustGiving link here. Once you are on our JustGiving page, click on the ‘Donate’ button in the top right-hand corner.
If you would like to open your own JustGiving fundraising page in aid of the Trust, visit our JustGiving page and click on the ‘Raise Money’ button in the top right-hand corner.
Online via easyfundraising
To make an online donation via the easyfundraising website please click on the easyfundraising link here.
Online via Stripe
You can also donate online via our Stripe account, please clicking here.
Direct into Bank Account
Please contact:
Zoe Lees on 01902 481590 with any Charity financial queries or to receive direct bank details.
The fundraising team to discuss your donation on 01902 694473.
Donating by Post or in Person
Using the Charitable Fund Donation Form, please print off a donation form and send in a completed and signed copy along with your donation. This is very important if you would like to Gift Aid your donation (this means that we can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give. It won’t cost you any extra. More information about Gift Aid can be found in our FAQs section). A copy of the Charitable Fund Donation Form can also be obtained from General Office when paying over the counter.
By Post
Please make cheques payable to The Royal Wolverhampton Hospitals NHS Trust Charity. Please write on the back of the cheque which fund you would like to donate to e.g. General Purposes Trust Fund and send to:-
General Office
New Cross Hospital
WV10 0QP
In Person at the General Office at New Cross Hospital
Cash/Cheque/Debit or Credit Card.
General Office is off the main corridor near to Greggs .
Payroll Giving
You can support the Trust Charity on a regular basis from your salary. It’s really easy to set up and completely secure, please call us on (01902) 481590 for further information.
Involve Your Workmates
Why not display one of our collection boxes within your business so customers know that you are supporting The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust Charity as they may also want to contribute towards your fundraising.
Many companies select a Charity of the Year – why not speak to your employer and recommend The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust Charity as your chosen Charity and raise much needed funds whilst having a laugh with your work mates!